Welcome. This little missive is my (hopefully) on-going log about my adventures in wargaming. I am interested primarily in historical gaming in 28mm scale, and have decided after many years at this hobby that skirmish-level gaming in this scale is what works best for me.
My primary venue is currently the town of Harmony, Arizona c.1876...and if you decide to pay a visit I'll introduce you to the town itself, its heroes and villains, and in particular the Gold Star Saloon and the Schitt Creek Timber Co. The rules set I'm using now is Dead Man's Hand by Great Escape Games, but I'm also planning on finally trying out Hawgleg Publishing's Gutshot! and Knuckleduster Miniatures' Desperado . Click on each title to learn more about it.
The 19th Century American West isn't the only destination available here, however. I also travel to WWII Europe and the Pacific with Warlord Games' excellent Bolt Action rules and models, and to modern Kandahar and Kunar provinces in Afghanistan with DishDash Games' Skirmish Sangin rules and supplements. I'll be covering my adventures with all of these games in this blog.
I hope you enjoy this blog and please feel free to post comments or questions.